Legion Architect is a firm that strives on innovation and luxury in its projects. The company's identity is build on the usage of different materials,textures,shades, lights, volume, shapes etc. At Legion Architect, our main objective is to understand the need and style of the clients and to deliver them the house of their dream.
We help our clients to realise their needs right from the conceptualstage to the stage where the project is executed and completed by giving them 3d designs which helps them in their visualization.

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Shamim Shaikh


Contact : +91 93215 82686
Email : shamimshaikh@legionarchitects.com

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Shahbaz Shaikh


Contact : +91 91675 77544
Email : shahbazahmed@legionarchitects.com

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Hussain Ujjainwala


Contact : +91 97689 78707
Email : hussainUujjainwala@legionarchitects.com